
April 24, 2013

Good News, Everyone: I’m Employed.

Filed under: Uncategorized — nascentnovelist @ 3:44 am
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It’s not a writing job and not a permanent position, but I will be working until the summer of 2014 on something semi-related to my degree. The Research Council of Norway has hired me for their Tax Incentive Scheme and their Core Competence and Value Creation in ICT program. So far, it’s both challenging and fun.

In addition to professional life, I’m doing two parallel training programs, participating in a relay race and a Norwegian Spartan race, and trying to keep my morning writing routine going. I’m slipping a little, but I’m sure I just need to get used to my new work load. I’m working on a new novel, and once I get my scheduling down, I should be writing that in the mornings, and editing the other one in the afternoons.

I repeat: the most important thing is to keep writing. Just keep writing.

May 31, 2011

Challenge yourself!

Filed under: Uncategorized — nascentnovelist @ 4:02 pm
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Writing is a stationary profession. I spend every day in front of a screen or with a pen in my hand, trying to carve down my characters’ lives. Experiencing love, loss and adventure through my characters’ eyes might be my favorite thing about writing, but if the only adventures I experienced were happening to my protagonists, then I’d soon lose my will to do much of anything. You see, I find that in order to improve my creative side, I have to challenge physical side. Go out into the world and experience the awesomeness that is all around me. That’s why I signed up for the Spartan Race (well, that, and this video. Seriously, could you resist that?)

The Spartan Race is a 5K mud run with obstacles. During my hour long trek I pushed through heavy bags, swam through a river, crawled through ice cubes, ran through an impressive amount of mud, climbed a wall, and another wall, and another wall, tried and failed to climb a rope (so did burpees instead), dragged and carried a stone across a field, threw a spear at a target (missed it so more burpees), jumped over a fire, crawled under barbed wire (and got my hair stuck), and made it over a slippery wall in the end. And through it all I had my team mates there with me, supporting me as I supported them. For a person who’s used to playing to win, it was surprisingly nice to go as a team.

After the race, we competed in a tire flipping competition. The goal was to make as many rounds as possible in five minutes of flipping the tractor tire, jumping through it and then doing three burpees where you had to jump on top of the tire for it to count. I’m proud to say that I won in the women’s category by completing 8 1/2 rounds. I’m less proud to say that I was the only woman stupid brave enough to try. My price? A three month membership at a crossfit gym that’s too far away from where I live Honor and glory.

Doing these kinds of things makes me feel alive. It’s a goal to train towards, and it’s definitely a fun experience. And did it boost my creativity? Heck yeah!

How do you wake up your muse?

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