
May 13, 2012

What to read when you don’t have time to read

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Short answer: short fiction.

The last three weeks I’ve delved into short fiction again and I must say I love it. You can pack so much punch into thirty pages, and for those of us who’re crunching* right now, it’s much easier to pick up a short story than to make it through a whole novel. Besides, with the bloom of indie publishing, a lot of new, interesting short fiction is propping up. I suggest A Light To Starve By, by Axel Taiari if you like horror/alternate reality fiction.

I’m currently reading Alice Munro’s collection of short stories Too Much Happiness. Every page is blowing my mind, and the best part: I can read a story a day. (Although I devoured three this afternoon. Seriously, check her out!)

So for those of you who want to read but who keep putting books down or losing the plot, let me suggest short fiction. Less demanding = more rewarding when you’re short on time.

*the preferred term for working massive overtime to finish a project on time.

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